Publish Your Viral Videos In Wpcnt

Please share only viral video without adult content. If you share adult content, our automated system will delete your video content.

Cutlx Url Shortener

How To Publish an Article

  1. Provide your title.
  2. Upload an image.
  3. Enter your description or content.
  4. Click the "Publish" button.

Remember, When sharing the link in the description box, be sure to use the Cutlx Url Shortener to shorten it. Our description box functions similarly to YouTube's: shared links are automatically clickable.

Wpcnt Content Policy

Welcome to the Wpcnt Full Content Policy. This document outlines the policies regarding the content that is eligible for create new post or link through Wpcnt, You can promote your website and social media content using our service. So you must follow these rules before using our service. Otherwise you may face problem by using our service without following our rules. You can even stop using our service.

Content Guidelines

Wpcnt has strict guidelines regarding the type of content that is eligible for create new post or link. So definitely follow our rules before creating a post or link. These rules are binding on every user. Content must adhere to the following guidelines:

Create New Post Or Link Eligibility

In order to be eligible for create new post or link through Wpcnt, content must comply with the following eligibility criteria:

Failure to comply with these policies may result in the suspension or termination of your Wpcnt create new post or link. Remember we help grow your business by providing this service. So you also follow our Content Policy and help us.